Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
For partners and artists of “pik – Programme for Inclusive Art Practice”
The German Federal Cultural Foundation promotes inclusion in art and culture. As part of its “pik – Programme for Inclusive Art Practice” funding scheme, the German Federal Cultural Foundation is holding its first semi-public academy on inclusive art practice on 12 and 13 January 2024.
In the context of the various performances to be seen at the “All Abled Arts” inclusive theatre festival, the cultural foundation is offering a diverse programme for the theatre partnerships and artists supported by “pik”. In addition, there will be a public panel discussion on the present and future of inclusive theatre on Saturday, 13 January 2024 with panellists including Anna Mülter, Barbara Mundel, Linda Fisahn, Ben Evans and Georg Kasch.
The German Federal Cultural Foundation supports artists with disabilities via its “pik – Programme for Inclusive Art Practice”. The programme facilitates artistic innovation and aims to encourage and enable cultural institutions to work inclusively. “pik” consists of three modules, each aimed at different groups and sectors of an inclusive cultural scene: an application-based mentoring programme for disabled leadership, a performing arts network and various knowledge-transfer events – one of which is the Academy for Inclusive Art Practice #1.
Between 2022 to 2025, seven inclusive theatre partnerships between large publicly funded theatres, independent theatres or companies and an international production house are being funded. The partners involved have been developing inclusive working methods in the performing arts for years and now want to expand and pass on their expertise via these pilot projects. The joint development of new dance and theatre productions in the coming seasons will result in the recognition and dismantling of existing barriers in the collaboration of artists with and without disabilities in the participating theatres. A total of seven cooperation schemes have been selected for the theatre network: Freie Bühne München and the Münchner Kammerspiele; i can be your translator and Schauspiel Dortmund; tanzbar_Bremen and Theater Bremen; Schauspiel Leipzig and experts in German sign language; Theater Thikwa and Grips Theater; RambaZamba Theater and Deutsches Theater; Dan Daw Creative Projects and Kampnagel.
The cross-disciplinary Mentoring Programme for Disabled Leadership provides scholarships to support artists with disabilities on their way to qualifying for management positions in cultural projects and institutions in all sectors.