Sun, 17.11.
4 – 5:40 pm
Sun, 17.11.
All & TicketsDates
Four people are on stage. One man stands in the foreground. He is wearing a suit. Three other people are standing in the background.

Photo: Judith Buss



A Comedy in 3 Acts by Nora Abdel-Maksoud

 Schauspielhaus
 World premiere
 Opening night: 5.4.2024
 1 hour 35 minutes
 English surtitles
 Thu-Sat: 15-45€, Sun-Wed: 10-40€, under 30 years each seat category: 10€
 Schauspielhaus
 World premiere
 Opening night: 5.4.2024
 1 hour 35 minutes
 English surtitles
 Thu-Sat: 15-45€, Sun-Wed: 10-40€, under 30 years each seat category: 10€

Grit your teeth and push on through: What doping is required to lead a performance-oriented life? — A darkly humorous comedy about careers, bodies and care in a capitalist society.

Ambitious local politician Lütje Wesel has built his career on the island of Sylt. He believes in the rules of the free market economy. He understands that politics is a marathon, not a sprint. But then, on the eve of the final day of his election campaign, he collapses. His team does everything they can to return him to peak performance in just 24 hours. They take him to a secret private clinic – with strange staff and unusual methods. How does this advocate of a slimmed-down welfare state fare when he finds himself dependent on support?

At the point where the fun ends in reality, it only just begins in Nora Abdel-Maksoud’s work. Following her successful high-octane comedy “Jeeps”, the Munich native has now written and directed a new play full of plot twists and punchlines about the contradictions of the lives we lead in a neoliberal society.

A work commissioned by the Münchner Kammerspiele.
  • Assistant to the Director Melina Dressler
  • Stage Design Assistant Julia Bahn
  • Assistant Costume Designer Rafael Hinz
  • Directing Intern André Schwarz
  • Stage Design Intern Vendela Thönebe
  • Dramaturgy Intern Manuel Rechsteiner
  • Stage Management Julia Edelmann
  • Prompter Sandra Petermann
  • Surtitles Agentur SprachSpiel - Yvonne Griesel
  • Stage Master Josef Hofmann
  • Technical Production Management Carolin Husemann
  • Artistic Production Management Victoria Fischer
  • Stage machinery Michael Preußer, Manuel Weber
  • Lighting Design Leo Algrang, Yongwoo Kwon, Christian Mahrla, Louis Nickel, Daniel Prütz
  • Sound design Viola Drewanz, Johann Jürgen Koch
  • Makeup Elvira Liesenfeld, Steffen Roßmanith
  • Costume Paulina Engelhardtova, Teresa Winkelmann
  • Props Anette Schultheiss, Sabine Schutzbach
  • Carpentry Eliza Aistermann, Michael Buhl, Josef Friesl, Stefan Klodt-Bussmann
  • Locksmithery Andreas Bacher, Jürgen Goudenhooft, Fritz Würzhuber
  • Decoration Anja Gebauer, Tobias Herzog, Maria Hörger
  • Scenic Painter Evi Eschenbach, Ingrid Weindl
  • Overtitel Operator Agentur SprachSpiel - Yvonne Griesel
  • Photos Judith Buss
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MK: Backstage

Stefan Merki is sitting on a large, dark green armchair in an elegantly furnished room. To his left and right are Şafak Şengül and Vincent Redetzki. All three are wearing suits and shirts.

Learn more about the production “Doping”, the author & director Nora Abdel-Maksoud and about the importance of care work for our society.

Press reviews

„”Doping” strotzt vor klugem Witz, immenser Fakten- und Gedankendichte und hat immer eine intellektuelle Flughöhe, die es über alle Slapstick-Fallen hinwegsausen lässt.“

Süddeutsche Zeitung • 7.4.24

„Nur ist es virtuos beschleunigt und wird von einem Ensemble teils wirklich grandios lustiger, professioneller Schauspielerinnen und Schauspieler dargeboten“

Spiegel • 6.4.24

„Ein Spaß – nicht zuletzt, da Vincent Redetzki, Stefan Merki, Şafak Şengül, Eva Bay und Wiebke Puls den Text virtuos nutzen und als rasantes Schauspielfest gestalten“

Münchner Merkur • 6.4.24

„Alles in allem ist das ein kluger, bitterböser und trotzdem (…) extrem lustiger Abend.“

Die deutsche Bühne • 6.7.24

„Es ist ein Spiel, das extrem amüsant ist und extrem viel Spaß bereitet“

Deutschlandfunk Kultur • 6.4.24
Dates & Tickets
Sun 20.10. 4 – 5:40 pm
Back on the schedule Ars Moriendi
Sun 17.11. 4 – 5:40 pm
Sat 23.11. 8 – 9:40 pm
  • Schauspielhaus
  • World premiere
  • Opening night: 5.4.2024
  • 1 hour 35 minutes
  • English surtitles
  • Thu-Sat: 15-45€, Sun-Wed: 10-40€, under 30 years each seat category: 10€