Maximilianstraße 26-28
Mo-Sa: 11:00 – 19:00
+49 (0)89 / 233 966 00
By William Shakespeare & Werner Herzog
A circular borehole into the madness of war. — “Gockel and team bring Shakespeare and Herzog together in breathtaking aesthetics. Reality as a tropical feverish nightmare play in the perpetuum mobile of war and peace.” (FAZ)
Prospero, the former Duke of Milan, is overthrown by adversaries working for his own brother and is forced into exile on an island. There, he encounters Caliban and Ariel, seizes their land and makes them his subjects. Seeking revenge, Prospero unleashes a devastating storm which strands his enemies on the island’s shores.
In-house director Jan-Christoph Gockel blends Shakespeare’s play with Werner Herzog’s new novel “Das Dämmern der Welt“ (“The Twilight World”) which recounts the story of the soldier Hiroo Onoda who continued to fight on an island for 29 years after World War II ended. Onoda believes that all reports of the war being over are fake. But one day – just as Prospero takes off his magic cloak – Onoda must return to a world that has lived on without him. Here, magic is the naked struggle to survive and maintain a mission which has long-since expired.
Jan-Christoph Gockel conjures up Shakespeare’s cyclical story of power, submission and resistance and Herzog’s literary monument to a senseless war in a spectacular aesthetic with puppets by Michael Pietsch.
„Der Krieg, der Traum, der Sturm. An diesem bühnenzauberischen Uraufführungsabend sind sie omnipräsent. In atemberaubender Ästhetik führen Gockel, Bühnenbilderin Julia Kurzweg und Kostümbildnerin Janina Brinkmann Shakespeare und Herzog zusammen. Die Wirklichkeit als tropenfieberhaftes Albtraumspiel im Perpetuum mobile von Krieg und Frieden.“
„Auftritt Werner Herzog, gespielt von Bernardo Arias Porras, die eigentliche Hauptfigur. Mit ihm gewinnt die Inszenierung an Dringlichkeit, an Spannung.“
„Explodierend verbreitet der Abend seine Granatsplitter von Zitaten, Verweisen und Denkanstößen. Klamauk und Kulturkritik werden zu einem furiosen Cocktail gemixt serviert. (…) Ein pralles Theaterereignis.“