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A person in black costume hangs upside down in the middle of a dark stage while another person watches her.

Photo: Christian Martin Photo:


Welt ohne uns

By: Meine Damen und Herren, SKART & Masters of the Universe

 Therese-Giehse-Halle
 1.6. & 2.6.2023
 1 hour 20 minutes
 Therese-Giehse-Halle
 1.6. & 2.6.2023
 1 hour 20 minutes

What does dying taste like? Why is everyone afraid of it? Can a soul be composted? How do I avoid being reborn as an earthworm? Emerged from the joint reflections of children/youth and people with and without disabilities, WELT OHNE UNS (World without us) invites you to an irritating confrontation with life and death. It is the first collaboration of the inclusive ensemble Meine Damen und Herren with the cross-age collective SKART & Masters of the Universe, two Hamburg-based groups that both experimentally explore the possibilities and opportunities of democratic/collective work processes (also) in structural power imbalances, developing remarkable artistic tools and aesthetic signatures.

Supported by the NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ guest performance promotion theater, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media, as well as the culture and art ministries of the federal states.
  • By Meine Damen und Herren, SKART & Masters of the Universe
  • By and with Simone Burkhardt, Lis Marie Diehl, Till Dittmar, Christoph Grothaus, Charlotte Heidenreich, Friederike Jaglitz, Philipp Karau, Maika Knoblich, Filo Krause, Paebe Mannott, Thomas Möller, Janne S. Plutat, Mira Sessemann, Matthias Propach, Minu Schilling, Ricarda Schnoor, Mark Schröppel, Sina Schröppel, Michael Schumacher, Malin Speicher, Lina Strothmann, Jasmin Täschner, Henrik Weber, Carsten Wiese
  • Sign language interpreter Elisa Ott
  • Audio description Marc-André Klotz

Am 2.6.2023 mit Live - Audiodeskription und Tastführung zum Kennenlernen der Bühnenelemente, Requisiten und Kostüme. Treffpunkt Tastführung um 18:30 Uhr Foyer der Therese-Giehse-Halle.

Bitte melden Sie sich für die Vorstellung und Tastführung bei Anna Sofia Fischer per E-Mail, WhatsApp, Sprachnachricht, telefonisch (montags bis freitags 9 – 12 Uhr). Bei Bedarf eines Abholservice melden Sie sich ebenfalls bei uns.

Tel: +49 1525 7980 463 / E-Mail: