Photo: Mehmet Birinci Photo:


Musik: Biz - Wir - εμείς

A Greek-Turkish Friendly Match with Commentary, a Musical Lecture Performance
By Tuncay Acar and Costas Gianacacos

 Werkraum
 Opening night: 17.2.2023
 2 hours 30 minutes
 German, Greek & Turkish
 Strobe Effect
 Werkraum
 Opening night: 17.2.2023
 2 hours 30 minutes
 German, Greek & Turkish
 Strobe Effect

The relationship between Turkey and Greece is characterised by a rich common culture – but also by tragic political events. The conflagration of the city of Smyrna / Izmir on the west coast of Anatolia in September 1922 led to death, displacement and suffering for almost two million people and continues to shape the lives of their descendants to this day. It culminated in the foundation of the Republic of Turkey which is celebrating its centenary in 2023. With the advent of the ‘guest workers’ agreements in the early 1960s, thousands of Greeks and Turks came to Munich. Currently, seven to eight percent of the German city’s population is of Greek or Turkish heritage. Over the decades, an attitude has developed among the guest workers that offers space for exchange and solidarity. This is something Munich artists Costas Gianacacos and Tuncay Acar now want to utilise. They are developing “Biz – We – εμείς (Emeis)” – a musical lecture performance which makes historical events and their consequences comprehensible for the present day and formulates narratives anew.

With support by Kunsthalle Baden-Baden and Stiftung Federkiel.
Cooperation partner: Real München e.V.
  • Artistic Direction / Speaker Tuncay Acar, Costas Gianacacos
  • Speaker Anastasia Tzillinis
  • Production Management Alina Götzlich
  • Dramaturgic Advising & Artistic Production Management MK Sebastian Reier, Daniela Schroll
  • Video Michael "Gene" Aichner
  • Illustration & animation Can Temizgezek
  • Music Chrisa Lazariotou, Bora Yıldız, Soner Aksan, Ufuk Bakırdöğen, Georgios Pisiotis

Press reviews

“Doch die Münchner Kammerspiele überlassen mittlerweile den Protagonisten selbst die Bühne. Und sofort hören jene auf, Randgruppen zu sein. Letztlich waren sie es auch nie gewesen, sondern immer schon ein Teil der Gesellschaft, der endlich auch im Theater sichtbar wird. Spannenderweise aber nicht nur auf der Bühne, sondern auch im Publikum! Denn ein Theater, das die Gesellschaft in ihrer Gesamtheit abbildet, erreicht endlich auch die gesamte Gesellschaft.”

Süddeutsche Zeitung • 19.2.23

“Ein Freundschaftsspiel. Und alle gewinnen.”

Bayerischer Rundfunk • 27.2.23