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By Emre Akal
Eine Reise ans Ende des analogen Zeitalters
We are at the end of the analogue age. The digital natives have long since migrated into their parallel worlds. From which materials are their unlimited fantasies made? What anger and emotional baggage do they carry with them? The promises of infinite digital life are also touted to the two people who remain in the analogue world. With heavy hearts, they embark on their final journey. “God Simulation” explores the correlations between animation and reality, seeks new and old experts of both worlds and asks about failing in the in-between. The team of stage and costume designers Paula Wellmann, Mehmet & Kazim and Annika Lu collaborate to create a visual language between analogue and virtual reality, inspired by the visual worlds of the artist duo Mehmet & Kazim. Here, eight young players encounter two worldly wise actors Erkin Akal and Walter Hess.
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic
Photo: Armin Smailovic